Arrangements, Sequencing & Team Formations | Test 2

Number of Questions: 24 | Difficulty: Moderate to difficult

Directions for questions 1 to 4: Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
Under a special arrangement at FBI, telephone numbers of the employees are to be coded in the following way:

Digit 7 3 5 0 2 1 6 4 9 8
Code N H L T F D R Q G P

Following conditions are to be maintained:
(i) If the first digit is even and the last digit is odd, then they are to be coded as $ and @ respectively.
(ii) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even, then they are to be coded as # and y respectively.
(iii) If 0 is preceded as well as followed by an odd digit, then 0 is to be coded as *
(iv) If 0 is preceded as well as followed by an even digit, then 0 is to be coded as .
(v) Zero (0) is considered neither even nor odd.

Q.1. What is the code for 1375490?
(d) yHNLQG#

Q.2. Which of the following numbers will be coded as $ QRL*H @?
(a) 8456037
(b) 8465032
(C) 6475031
(d) Cannot be determined

Q.3. Which of the following numbers will be coded like- Q L P   R N T?
(a) 4570680
(b) 4780650
(c) 6580470
(d) None of these

Q.4. What will be the code for 36250084?
(a) #RFL**Gy
(b) #RFLG**y
(c) #RF**LG*
(d) none of these


Directions for questions 5 to 7: Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
“Lets be God” is an organization imparting training to people to touch the different dimensions of life and be like God. It was planning to organize series of eight lectures A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H (not necessarily in the same order) for three subjects ‘Purpose of God’, ‘Alignment of Purpose and ‘Touching Lives’ on three successive days.
For the sake of convenience, these three subjects are coded as X, Y and Z respectively. Subject X was to be covered first in three lecturers followed by Z and then subject Y in two lectures,
(i) Lectures A, C and D have to be on separate days.
(ii) Lectures B and F have to be kept on separate days. Lecture B cannot be clubbed with A or Gor D.
(iii) Lectures G and H should happen on one day.
(iv) Only one lecture will happen everyday.

Q.5.Which of the following pairs of lectures can go along with lecture A on subject X?
(a) B, C
(b) G, H
(c) D, E
(d) data inadequate

Q.6. Which combination of lecturers was arranged on the second day of the series?
(a) C, G, H
(c) C, A, G
(b) B, D, E
(d) data inadequate

Q.7.Which of the following lectures were for subject Y?
(a) D, F
(b) G H
(c) B, C
(d) Data inadequate


Directions for questions 8 to 12: Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
Pankaj, Qureshi, Rajesh and Sudhir live together in a house.
(i) Pankaj lives with his or her) parents.
(ii) Qureshi lives with at least three persons younger than him (or her).
(iii) Sudhir lives with his mother, and is older than at least two persons living with him.
(iv) Rajesh lives with his or her) son and is not older than Sudhir.

Q.8. Out of the given names, how many people’s gender can be identified?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1

Q.9. Qureshi is Pankaj’s
(a) father
(b) mother
(c) son
(d) grandmother

Q.10. Sudhir is Pankaj’s
(a) brother
(b) father
(c) mother
(d) sister

Q.11. Rajesh is Qureshi’s
(a) daughter
(b) son
(c) grandson
(d) daughter-in-law

Q.12. Rajesh is Sudhir’s
(a) wife
(b) husband
(c) son
(d) daughter


Directions for questions 13 to 17: Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
The figure given below consists of three intersecting circles which represent the applicants for the post of PA who are computer literate; who have knowledge of office rules and regulations; and who have a bachelor’s degree.

Q.13 Find the letter that represents all the applicants who are computer literate and have knowledge of office, rules and regulations but do not have a bachelor’s degree.
(a) b
(b) c
(c) d
(d) f

Q.14. Find the letter that represents all the applicants who are computer literate but do not have a bachelor’s degree or any knowledge of office, rules and regulations.
(a) a
(b) b
(c) c
(d) d

Q.15. Find the letter that represents the applicants who are computer literate and have a bachelor’s degree but do not have knowledge of office, rules and regulations.
(a) g
(b) e
(c) c
(d) b

Q.16 Find the letter that represents the applicants who are computer literate, know office, rules and regulations and have bachelor’s degree.
(a) b
(b) c
(c) f
(d) g

Q.17 Find the letter that represents the maximum number of applicants?
(a) b
(b) c
(c) f
(d) Cannot be determined


Directions for questions 18 to 22: Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
Mr Manoj is a medical representative and he is supposed to visit six doctors-M, N, P, Q, R and S, exactly once every week. To visit the doctors, Mr Manoj has set up a schedule to visit each of the six doctors during the course of one week according to the following conditions:
(i) He must visit Dr M before Dr N and Dr R.
(ii) He must visit Dr N before Dr Q.
(iii) The third doctor he visits must be Dr P.

Q.18. Which of the following must be true of Mr Manoj’s schedule?
(a) He visits Dr M before Dr Q
(b) He visits Dr N before Dr R
(c) He visits Dr P before Dr M
(d) He visits Dr P before Dr S

Q.19. If he visits Dr S first, which doctor must he visit second?
(a) Dr M
(b) Dr N
(c) Dr P
(d) Dr Q.

Q.20. Mr Manoj could visit any of the following doctors immediately after Dr P except
(a) Dr S
(b) Dr R
(C) Dr Q
(d) Dr M

Q.21. If he visits Dr Q immediately before Dr R and immediately after Dr She must visit Dr Q
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Fourth
(d) Fifth

Q.22. Which of the following could be the order in which he visits the six doctors?
(a) Dr M, Dr S, Dr P, Dr N, Dr R, Dr Q
(b) Dr Q, Dr N, Dr P, Dr R, Dr S, Dr M
(c) Dr M, Dr R, Dr N, Dr Q, Dr P, Dr S
(d) Dr P, Dr S, Dr M, Dr R, Dr Q, Dr N


Directions for questions 23 and 24: Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
In the famous movie—Hum Saat Aath Hain there were six persons A, B, C, D, E and F in the family. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E’s husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. There are 2 fathers, 3 brothers and a mother in the family and only these six people were the members of the family.

Q.23. What is the name of husband of E?
(a) B
(b) C
(c) D
(d) None of these

Q.24. Who is the mother?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) E
(d) D


Answer key:

1.a | 2.d | 3.d | 4.d | 5.b | 6.d | 7.d | 8.b | 9.d | 10.b | 11.d | 12.a | 13.c | 14.a | 15.d | 16.b | 17.d | 18.a | 19.a | 20.d | 21.d | 22.a | 23.d | 24.c

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Arrangements & Team Formations | Test 1


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